Using Crystals every day

Looking to incorporate crystals into your everyday routine?

Meditation + Breathe Work

Holding or having your crystals around you can be used as an energetic support tool during these practices. Choose a crystal that speaks to you and try having it with you while you meditate, while you do some breathwork, or even while you just sit and be in the present moment. This is one of my favourite ways to connect with my crystals and overall uplift my energetic vibration.

Crystals on the GO

Depending on the size of your crystals, you can take them with you anywhere to support you energetically. Some ways that I carry mine with me is by putting them in my pockets, wearing crystal jewelry, and having them in my purse/bag. Small tumbled, raw, and palm stones are a perfect size for this.

Crystals in our Enviroment

You can place your crystals in your home, office, and any other environment that you spend lots of time in. I especially like to have a few with me while I am working on my computer, and to have lots in my bedroom because it is my sacred space. There is also no certain way of doing this! Follow your intuition and choose the crystals that you feel connected with. Have fun with placing them all around you and let your creativity flow. (Quick note: If you are putting lots in your bedroom, ensure you are not putting very large pieces near the head of your bed. The energy can affect your sleep if you have too many near your head).

Crystals + Self Care

Self-care can be so many different things! From skin care, baths, mantras and affirmations, journalling, etc. To us, self-care is all about doing what feels good for you at the moment and prioritizing the activities that make you feel amazing every day. So whatever you are doing, try adding a crystal, or 2, or more, however many you want. Ask yourself which crystals can support you at that moment during whatever you are doing. And let us know how that goes for you!