Being Your Magical Self

Being your most magical self is all about feeling like your most magical self. And how do we do that? We prioritize feeling good and make it our own responsibility. It is no one else's job to make us feel good but ours. So the first step is acknowledging, admitting, and being aware of that. And asking yourself everyday how can I feel good today? And how can I show up as my most magical self today? If these are the questions you are asking everyday, the odds are your life will change drastically, becoming more magical and full of love and joy.

Tap into your Inner Magic

Two helpful ways to tap into your own inner magic are journalling and meditating. Journalling from the perspective of your higher self or writing out what your higher self does/thinks/experiences.

These prompts can be so powerful with discovering your true desires and also what can be holding you back from them. It's really tapping into your inner wisdom, guidance, and intuition. Meditating is an amazing way to do this as well.

Just sitting with yourself and listening to what comes up in your mind. Not to be judgmental of it, but to be observant. Let the insights and whatever else may come up for you including emotions, thoughts, and feelings flow. You can also visualize what you look like living life as your most magical self.

What are you doing? Where are you living? How do you think? And anything else you think of that you want to bring to life. 

So I hope this page has been helpful for you. Let us know what you do to show up as your most magical self, to live your most magical life everyday!