What is Muscle Testing?

Muscle testing is a technique that taps into the subconscious mind. Which helps to allows us to answer questions about our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. I personally use muscle testing everyday to ensure I am taking care of my mind, body, and soul effectively. And you can do it it too! This technique can be used at any time and is so simple. 

How to Muscle Test

Step 1: Stand up tall with your feet flat on the floor, and about hips width apart in distance. Have your hands by your side, open.

Step 2: Say a statement that you know is true. For me I always say "My name is Ruby." Then take a few breathes and let your body completely relax. Eventually you will sway in a certain direction. Now you know that is what yes is for you. 

Step 3: Now to figure out no, say something that you know is not true. I could say next, "My name is Sam." Then you breathe again, relax, and let your body sway in the direction that is going to mean no for you.

Step 4:  Stand up tall and ask your yes or no question. Say it out loud and then let your body completely relax. Do your best to not be biased or to move your body at all. Just think about the question until your body sways in a certain direction.

Step 5: You now have your answer! And if you are not sure about it, try it out again, as many times as you want. This process is all about trusting yourself, and connecting to your body and intuition.